CWRU Film Society home


Faculty Advisor: Dr. Rich Drushel
Director: Eddie Rodriguez
Assistant Director: Arya Srivastava
Business Manager: Clemente Brogca
Advertising Manager: Bella Farley
Assistant Advertising Manager: Sophie Emberton
Social Media Manager: Ana Gomes
Concessions Manager: Tyler Kramer
Projectionists: Charley Knox, Jim Nauer, Matthew Canel, Madeline Crowley, Matt Garvey, Ana Gomes, Ben Kaufman, Eddie Rodriguez, Ray Zackowski
Cashier: Lucas Benson
Webmaster:Jack Windisch

The Film Society is a student-run organization. There are also a few oldies hanging around too. They're alumni, graduate students, CWRU staff, and just regular old people. The one thing everyone has in common is a love of movies.

How can you become a Film Society Staff Member?

We're always looking for new people to help out. Just show up 45 min. to an hour before any show and talk to us. We'll put you to work selling and collecting tickets, selling concessions, and helping guide people around. We also always need advertising help so we'll probably ask you to hang flyers and distribute posters. E-mail to get added to our staff e-mail list.

What do I get as a Staff Member?

That's a good question. You get to hang out with really cool people. But wait, there's more! You get to see all the movies for free. We often get pizza for the hard working staff on Friday nights and you can nibble on popcorn and drink pop for free while you work. Also, you get to help pick out movies for the next semester.

Two Jims and a Mike hanging out at concessions before a show